Evaluación de

Opiniones de Polo Tour Experience Estancia Villa Maria

Polo at the la Martina Club Tour - Guide Ezequiel


Ezequiel was a most informative individual. His passion for his work and his love for polo was most evident in all he did and said. While horseback riding is not my greatest strength he did allow me the opportunity to experience actually playing polo for about ten minutes. My choice to stop as it was medically challenging for me. Nevertheless this did not take away from my experience rather it enhanced it as it allowedme to gain an understanding of this sport especially when a game was played in front of everyone. Lunch with him and the other two clients/their guide was most enjoyable. Touring the grounds just added to the experience. I would recommend Ezequiel to all.

Opinión validada por Melanie Meheden - 19/03/2020

Passeios em Buenos Aires


Nós passamos as férias em Buenos Aires onde tivemos muita diversão com o passeio Dia De Polo No Clube La Martina. Recomendamos reservar esse passeio!

Opinión validada por Joana - 24/09/2016

Great experience!


I joined the full day polo tour at La Martina and spent a great time in their ranch. We learnt the basics about this sport and played a polo game by the end of the afternoon. It was really exciting! By the way, the barbecue was also awesome! =)

Opinión validada por Richard - 17/07/2016

gran experiencia con el polo


Fui al tour de Polo de La Martina y fue genial. Aprendimos lo básico de este deporte y jugamos un partido a la tarde. Realmente espectacular!

Opinión validada por Esteban - 06/08/2016

grande expérience avec le polo


Je suis allée au Polo Tour de La Martina et c'était génial. Nous avons appris les bases de ce sport et joué à un jeu l'après-midi. Vraiment spectaculaire!

Opinión validada por Esteban - 06/08/2016

tolle Erfahrung mit Polo


Ich war auf der Polo-Tour von La Martina und es war großartig. Wir haben die Grundlagen dieses Sports gelernt und am Nachmittag ein Spiel gespielt. Wirklich spektakulär!

Opinión validada por Esteban - 06/08/2016