
Bewertungen Polo-Tour

amazing experience


I wanted to say gracias one more time for the amazing experience. I just got off the phone with my wife telling her all about my few days with you and your family, horses, and friends, and it is without question one of the best times I've had traveling in my 29 years

Reviewed by Rusell Perry - 25/10/2016

Awesome polo daytour


Thanks for an awesome day yesterday- we had a great time!

Reviewed by Amir Azer - 25/10/2016

finest polo adventure


I considered the finest, most well equipped Polo facilities in Argentina. The site features a lavish field side, offers an equestrian resort style all year round, Profesionnal Chefs, the highest standard of service and attention to detail. Loved it!

Reviewed by charito - 24/10/2016



Great people, great food outstanding polo!!

Reviewed by Paul - 24/10/2016

amazing polo experience


An amazing experience and a gorgeous picture perfect day with #ArgentinaPoloDay !!! Thank you all for your hospitality!

Reviewed by david - 24/10/2016

fun polo day


If you're ever looking for a fun day that combines horses, wine and hockey, this is it! Thanks guys, this was an AMAZING day! We had so much fun and you totally got me passed my fear of horses:)

Reviewed by chris - 24/10/2016

escapada de buenos aires con polo


Hermoso día !!! estuvo todo lindo...nunca imagine que jugar al Polo podía ser tan divertido.. la adrenalina durante el partido fue GENIAL!!! Gracias a los chicos de tangol por recomendarnos el POLODAY... Gracias a todos los que hicieron que ese día fuera PERFECTO!! hablar de las empanadas de carne ...miam miam ....que rico!!!

Reviewed by Yenny - 24/10/2016

Buenos Aires Kurzurlaub mit Polo


Schönen tag !!! Es war alles schön ... Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass Polo spielen so viel Spaß machen kann. Das Adrenalin während des Spiels war großartig! Danke an die Jungs von Tangol für die Empfehlung des POLODAY ... Danke an alle, die diesen Tag PERFEKT gemacht haben !! ... ganz zu schweigen von Fleisch-Empanadas ... Miam Miam .... wie lecker !!!

Reviewed by Yenny - 24/10/2016

Buenos Aires escapade avec polo


Belle journée !!! C’était génial… Je n’avais jamais imaginé que jouer au Polo pouvait être aussi amusant… l’adrénaline était super! Merci aux gars de tangol pour avoir recommandé le POLODAY ... Merci à tous ceux qui ont rendu cette journée PARFAITE !! ... sans parler des empanadas à la viande ... miam miam ... quel délice !!!

Reviewed by Yenny - 24/10/2016

Dia incrível em Buenos Aires


Se você vai viajar para Buenos Aires não perca o passeio Día De Polo Em Argentina. É uma experiência única!

Reviewed by michelle - 22/10/2016

Great experience of Polo in the Pampas!


When you go on a tour that it really rocks you can just tell everyone that taking that tour, if you can afford it, is a must on your Argentina trip. A unique day where you ride a Polo pony and you get to play a sport you always thought it was almost imposible to do. Great food, great environment, great guides and absolutely the best horses i ever seen. I am not very young and felt all the way capable and happy to do all. Recommended!

Reviewed by Ivory - 14/10/2016



Hermosa excursión en Buenos Aires! Desde que decidimos que ibamos a conocer Argentina, una de las primeras cosas que queriamos hacer era el tema del Polo: un deporte muy diferente a todos los que estamos acostumbrados a ver y jugar. Muy recomendable paseo para toda la familia.

Reviewed by Gabriel - 06/08/2016



Belle excursion à Buenos Aires! Depuis que nous avons décidé d'aller en Argentine, l'une des premières choses que nous voulions faire était le thème du polo: un sport très différent de tous ceux que nous avons l'habitude de voir et de jouer. Fortement recommandé de marcher pour toute la famille.

Reviewed by Gabriel - 06/08/2016



Schöner Ausflug in Buenos Aires! Da wir beschlossen hatten, Argentinien zu besuchen, war eines der ersten Dinge, die wir machen wollten, das Polo-Thema: eine Sportart, die sich sehr von allen anderen unterscheidet, die wir sonst schon sehen und spielen. Sehr empfehlenswert für die ganze Familie.

Reviewed by Gabriel - 06/08/2016

Polo in buenos aires


it was really nice to stay with you. The poloday was an exceptional experience. We really enjoyed it and had an unforgettable day at the Polo Club

Reviewed by Kathrin Hichert - 25/10/2016

polo day


Can't wait to go again. Loved Polo day tour!

Reviewed by kim - 24/10/2016

Tasty food great pampa polo day


Beautiful day !!! all was nice ... I never imagined that playing Polo could be so much fun .. adrenaline during the game was GREAT !!! Thank you POLODAY, Thanks to all who made this day perfect !! ... Not to mention meat empanadas ... Ñam Ñam .... that "Ricor" !!!

Reviewed by Paula - 24/10/2016