
Bewertungen Klassisches Mendoza-Paket

The only way to travel in argentina


The best way to describe this company is: Professional. They tailor the tour to your own interests in food, wine, hobbies, activities, etc. They arrange everything for you. They are flexible and communicate your itinerary clearly. The drivers-tour guides were outstanding. They made us feel like we were family and shared their love of Argentina. They took photos of us, shared local history, recommended great local restaurants, etc. I would highly recommend this tour company for your needs in Argentina. It was well worth the money we spent. No worries, no hassles, fun times. Best tour operator in mendoza!

Reviewed by Madi - 14/07/2016

incredible good service


It's difficult to believe that Tangol tours could live up to its reviews, but it did. Just fantastic service! They helped plan an itinerary for us -- some wineries we knew we wanted to visit and some they recommended. Matieu picked us up from the airport and was our driver/guide for our time in Mendoza, and he was just terrific. As someone else noted, he had perfect English, having lived in London. And he is so knowledgable about the area -- it seemed he was able to answer even our most random questions. And he was fun to be with! So many extra touches -- the little gifts, the guides given to us. First class all the way. He and the travel agency were really great in helping us arrange the tour. He and the agency were in constant contact with us, including as late as 10:00pm as they were confirming next day activities. They helped us plan an extra day of wine tasting (wine and chocolate tasting that was great followed by a terrific lunch at another winery). Prices were very reasonable, especially considering the amazing level of service. I would absolutely recommend Tangol to anyone looking to visit wineries in Mendoza.

Reviewed by laura - 14/07/2016

Emoção nos Andes!!!


Imperdível este passeio nos Andes... Fui no outono e as variedades de tons nas cordilheiras é indescritível, considero um dos visuais de paisagem mais exuberantes das minhas viagens!!

Reviewed by Moniza - 10/07/2016

Não deixe de visitar...


Quem vai para Mendoza precisa aproveitar a oportunidade e fazer o passeio da Alta Montanha. A natureza é linda mesmo sem a neve e o Aconcágua é exuberante!

Reviewed by Yuli - 10/07/2016



Paisagens lindas. Um encontro com a natureza que não pode deixar de ser realizado ao se visitar Mendoza. Os Andes transmitem uma energia positiva que não tem preço. Portanto não deixe de conhecer este lugar.

Reviewed by Helton - 10/07/2016

Mendoza y el vino!!


Me encanto este paseo por las bodegas de vino : la guia fue genial, las bodegas realmente impactantes y la atencion en las mismas de primera, altamente recomendado.

Reviewed by Ale - 10/07/2016

Mendoza et le vin!


J'ai adoré cette promenade dans les caves à vin: le guide était excellent, les établissements vinicoles vraiment impressionnants et l'attention des premiers, fortement recommandée.

Reviewed by Ale - 10/07/2016

Mendoza und Wein!


Ich habe diesen Spaziergang durch die Weinkeller geliebt: Der Führer war großartig, die Weingüter waren wirklich beeindruckend und die Aufmerksamkeit in den ersten war sehr zu empfehlen.

Reviewed by Ale - 10/07/2016

Hermoza Mendoza !!!


hermoza mendoza !!! L’une des excursions typiques de la mendoza qui nous a le plus plu a été Alta Montaña: HERMOSOOOO !!!!

Reviewed by dani - 10/07/2016

hermoza Mendoza!!!


hermoza mendoza!!! una de las excursiones típicas de mendoza que mas nos gustó fue Alta Montaña: HERMOSOOOO!!!!

Reviewed by dani - 10/07/2016

Hermoza Mendoza !!!


Hermoza Mendoza !!! Einer der typischen Ausflüge von Mendoza, die uns am besten gefallen haben, war Alta Montaña: HERMOSOOOO !!!!

Reviewed by dani - 10/07/2016

Great service, excellent quality


We planned a trip in the deep of the country with Tangol and everything was really excellent. We went to Mendoza, San Juan, the Andes, Patagonia (El Calafate), Ushuaia and even in Chile and Tangol's services were one of a kind - their guides never came late, speak English and Spanish, and were really nice guys. I really recommend their services for sure!

Reviewed by Hristo - 08/07/2016

Mendoza tour by Tangol


We went to Mendoza with Tangol - Probably the best agency in Argentina. They offered a high level of service and were always proffessional towards me. So I definately recommend Tangol by basically saying - Need help to plan your trip ? Tangol is the answer!

Reviewed by Tim - 08/07/2016

Our greatest help in South America


Super friendly, super helpful extremely useful advices" this is how I would describe Matteo from Tangol. He has been the biggest help to us during our round trip to South America. We have booked two trips at tangol both of them of outstanding quality. We were really satisfied with the service that we got for our money ( which in Argentina is hard to find) So if you want update information, personalized advice, and excellent trips tangol is your agency.

Reviewed by Eva - 08/07/2016



Una de las Provincias más lindas de la Argentina: los paisajes, la gente, y el mejor vino del pais. La ciudad está impecable. Muy lindo.

Reviewed by Juan Carlos - 10/07/2016



Eine der schönsten Provinzen Argentiniens: die Landschaften, die Menschen und der beste Wein des Landes. Die Stadt ist tadellos. Sehr schön

Reviewed by Juan Carlos - 10/07/2016



Une des plus belles provinces d’Argentine: les paysages, la population et le meilleur vin du pays. La ville est impeccable. Très beau.

Reviewed by Juan Carlos - 10/07/2016