Avis de

Avis de Bariloche Classique

Hermosa Experiencia!


Conocer Bariloche no fue unas vacaciones mas, fue una experiencia increible. un sueño hecho realidad! No se lo pierdan!!!!!

Reviewed by KaTa - 10/07/2016

Belle expérience!


Savoir que Bariloche n'était plus des vacances, c'était une expérience incroyable. un rêve devenu réalité! Ne le perdez pas!!!!!

Reviewed by KaTa - 10/07/2016

Schöne Erfahrung!


Zu wissen, dass Bariloche kein Urlaub mehr war, war eine unglaubliche Erfahrung. Ein Traum wird wahr! Verpassen Sie es nicht !!!!!

Reviewed by KaTa - 10/07/2016

Absolute natürliche Schönheit


Beeindruckend wie schön diese Orte im Süden der Aregntina sind. Ich empfehle den Domberg, den Tronador, alle Landschaften sind imposant.

Reviewed by Orlando - 10/07/2016

Beauté naturelle absolue


Impressionnant la beauté de ces lieux au sud de l’Aregntina. Je recommande la colline de la cathédrale, le tronador, tous les paysages sont imposants.

Reviewed by Orlando - 10/07/2016

Belleza natural absoluta


Impresionante lo hermoso que son estos lugares en el sur de la aregntina.. recomiendo el cerro catedral, el tronador, todos los paisajes son imponentes.

Reviewed by Orlando - 10/07/2016

Natureza bruta


excelente passeio, paisagens maravilhosas, nem muito comprido, nem muita rápido. Lagos, Cerros, teleféricos, tudo lindo. Vale muito a pena

Reviewed by Carla - 10/07/2016

faça este passeio


vale a pena, as paisagens que tu vê ao chegar vale muito a pena, o tronador é conhecido pelo barulho que faz ao desprender blocos de gelo, é maravilhoso, espetacular. adorei!!

Reviewed by nanda - 10/07/2016

Maravilha da natureza


É lindo demais, sem palavras para descrever. Bariloche e um dos lugares mais lindos Q já vi na vida.

Reviewed by Helena - 10/07/2016

Bariloche:Great place to ski!!!


Great place to ski !!! a lot of ski schools and stores !!! I specially recommend the cerro cathedral ! I enjoyed and had have fun in there.

Reviewed by M.S. - 10/07/2016

Tangol Tours , Fantastic Service


I Went to Argentina without any knowledge of the country or the city of Buenos Aires at all.. Through a good friend of mine I was recommended to visit Tangol Tours and ask them what is the most important and what I really have to see booth in the country and in Buenos Aires. I must say that my expiations where really high on this company since my friend spoke so much of their willing to help and the that want to customer to have a good time. I went to the office and where welcome with a smile on their faces and I felt right away that they really wanted me to have a good time. The staff really listened to what I wanted to have out of my journey. Since they can help me arrange hole of Argentina and also more destinations in South-America I am convinced that I won't find any better Tour operator in Buenos Aires and Argentina. I Will defiantly come back to both the city and Tangol.

Reviewed by David - 08/07/2016

Excellent tour operator


I have decided to go to Patagonia on Dec 23 towards the end of the day. By the end of the day Dec 24, I was presented with several options regarding the hotel as well as tours. The representative of the company went above and beyond regular service as she provided me with her cell phone to contact her during the Holiday. All my questions have been answered promptly and accurately.

Reviewed by Jen - 08/07/2016



si viajan a argentina no se pierdan de conocer Bariloche y el sur en general. al igual que las cataratas en el norte.. lugares increibles!!!

Reviewed by Ana Maria - 10/07/2016



Si vous voyagez en Argentine, ne manquez pas de connaître Bariloche et le sud en général. tout comme les chutes du nord .. des endroits incroyables !!!

Reviewed by Ana Maria - 10/07/2016



Wenn Sie nach Argentinien reisen, sollten Sie unbedingt Bariloche und den Süden im Allgemeinen kennenlernen. genau wie die Wasserfälle im Norden ... unglaubliche Orte !!!

Reviewed by Ana Maria - 10/07/2016