Ushuaia is located at coordinates:
54 ° 48`57 "south latitude and 68 ° 19`04"
west longitude. It is 3260 km. South of
Buenos Aires, capital of the Republic
Argentina .
The Hotel is 7 km. From Ushuaia,
4 Km. From the Malvinas Argentinas Airport,
15 Km. from the National Park and 25 Km. from Cerro Castor.
The Hotel has the following features and services:
- Baby sitter
- Heating radiators in the bedrooms, with the possibility of individual control
- Luggage and skis
- Local Drugstore and selling handicrafts and souvenirs
- Parking
- Special room for passengers with reduced mobility (the hotel has no architectural debarreras)
- Laundry and Dry Cleaning
- PCs with Internet access
- Satellite TV (DirecTV)
- Frequent transfers to town center
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