Travelling In Tucuman

Tourist information of Tucuman

Tucumán is situated to the Northwest of Argentina. You can discover Tucumán by 5 tourist circuits that invite you to meet the main attractions of the province.
Valles Calchaquíes, Las Yungas, Valle de Choromoro, Ciudad Histórica and the South are some options to enjoy the exceptional landscapes that the province offers apart from the valuable history that remains there.
Starting from the capital province “San Miguel de Tucumán” the more remote tourist attractive is just 205 km from there.

Travel Packages In Tucuman

Day Tours In Tucuman

The best time to visit Tucumán is during spring (September to November) and fall (March to May) when the weather is milder and more pleasant. During these months, temperatures are more moderate and there is less rain, allowing you to enjoy outdoor activities and explore tourist attractions without any problems. Summer can be very hot and humid, while winter is drier but with cooler temperatures.
Among the main tourist attractions in Tucumán are the Los Alisos National Park, ideal for nature and hiking lovers; the Casa Histórica de la Independencia, an emblem of Argentine history; Cerro San Javier with impressive panoramic views; and the Aguas Chiquitas Natural Reserve, perfect for enjoying its waterfall and landscapes. The city of San Miguel de Tucumán is also worth visiting with its varied offer of museums, squares and local cuisine.
In Tucumán, tourists can find a wide variety of accommodation options to suit different budgets. From luxury hotels and charming rural estancias to budget hostels and tourist apartments. In San Miguel de Tucumán, the capital, there are many options with full services and central locations. In addition, in more rural areas you can find cabins and lodgings closer to nature, perfect for a quiet getaway.
Tucumán, like many other tourist areas, is generally safe for travelers, but it is advisable to take basic precautions. Avoid displaying valuables, stay in well-lit areas, and know the local emergency numbers. It is also important to educate yourself on location-specific safety recommendations and follow the advice of local authorities and tour guides to enjoy a safe and enjoyable experience.
Tucumán is famous for its varied and delicious cuisine. Some typical dishes that you cannot miss include empanadas tucumanas, known for their juicy meat and crunchy dough; humita, a creamy corn cake wrapped in leaves; and locro, a grain and meat stew perfect for cold days. In addition, Tucumán is known for its variety of sweets and desserts such as tortillas al rescoldo and alfajores de maicena, which are perfect for a sweet treat.

Reviews and experiences in Tucuman

Check what our customers say about us!

Great experience in Tucuman


Horseback Experience In Tucumán

If you are visiting Tucuman, consider the tour . We had a really great time!

Review validated by Anonimo - 28/03/2022

Incredible day in Tucuman


Horseback Experience In Tucumán

if you are traveling to Tucuman you shouldn´t miss the tour . It is a unique experience!

Review validated by Anonimo - 20/03/2022

Incredible day in Tucuman


The Sugar Route

if you are traveling to Tucuman you shouldn´t miss the tour . It is a unique experience!

Review validated by Mike - 29/10/2019

Great experience in Tucuman


The Sugar Route

If you are visiting Tucuman, consider the tour . We had a really great time!

Review validated by Hellen - 21/10/2019

Great experience in Tucuman


Walking Tour And Cooking Class

If you are visiting Tucuman, consider the tour . We had a really great time!

Review validated by Hellen - 17/10/2019

Incredible day in Tucuman


Historical City Tour In Tucuman

if you are traveling to Tucuman you shouldn´t miss the tour . It is a unique experience!

Review validated by Mike - 02/10/2019