Travelling In Neuquén

Tourist information of Neuquén

The city of Neuquén is the capital of the province with the same name and the most populous city in the Argentine Patagonia. Here we can enjoy incredible landscapes, culture, history and much more.
The best time to visit Neuquén depends on your interests. If you prefer skiing and winter activities, the months of June through September are ideal. To enjoy hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities in a warmer climate, the months of November through March are perfect. Each season offers a unique experience in Neuquén, so take your personal preferences into account when planning your trip.
Neuquén offers a wide variety of tourist activities. You can explore Lanín National Park, enjoy the Wine and Apple Route, hike in the Andes, visit Lake Huechulafquen, practice water sports, and tour the Seven Lakes circuit. You can also enjoy its unique gastronomy and learn about local cultures in museums and cultural centers.
Some of the main tourist attractions in Neuquén include the Lanín Volcano, Lácar Lake, the Copahue and Caviahue Hot Springs, the Dinosaur Route, and San Martín de los Andes. The region is also known for its vineyards and wineries, which are part of the Wine Route. In addition, the adventure tourism offer is wide, with options for all tastes.
The climate in Neuquén varies considerably throughout the year. Summers (December to February) are warm, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C. Winters (June to August) are cold, especially in mountainous areas, with temperatures that can drop to -5°C. Autumn and spring offer moderate and pleasant climates. It is advisable to check the weather forecast before travelling to properly prepare your luggage.
In Neuquén, there is a wide variety of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. You can find everything from luxury hotels to inns, cabins, campsites and rural accommodations. The main cities such as Neuquén Capital, San Martín de los Andes and Villa La Angostura offer a wide range of accommodation. It is advisable to book in advance, especially during the high season and holidays.

Reviews and experiences in Neuquen

Check what our customers say about us!

Great experience in Neuquen


Visit To Zoologico Bubalco

If you are visiting Neuquen, consider the tour . We had a really great time!

Review validated by Hellen - 22/02/2020

Things to do in Neuquen


Neuquén City Tour

If you are looking for what to do in Neuquen, you should consider booking the tour . It´ll be an experience you won´t forget!

Review validated by Hellen - 21/02/2020

Amazing tour in Neuquen


Productive Circuit

We visited Neuquen where we had a great time. We recommend the tour . It´s a must!

Review validated by Jan 28 2020 4:55AM - 12/02/2020

Great experience in Neuquen


Neuquén City Tour

If you are visiting Neuquen, consider the tour . We had a really great time!

Review validated by Jan 26 2020 4:55AM - 10/02/2020

Things to do in Neuquen


Productive Circuit

If you are looking for what to do in Neuquen, you should consider booking the tour . It´ll be an experience you won´t forget!

Review validated by Jan 22 2020 4:55AM - 06/02/2020

Great experience in Neuquen


Productive Circuit

If you are visiting Neuquen, consider the tour . We had a really great time!

Review validated by Jan 21 2020 4:55AM - 05/02/2020