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  Fernanda López Veloz 25/06/2024

Brasília, the capital of Brazil, offers an experience rich in history, culture, and modern architecture. Founded in 1960, the city was meticulously planned to serve as the capital of the South American giant.


With a current population of 3.1 million people, Brasília boasts a complex urban layout and architecturally significant buildings, making it one of South America's most iconic cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Although Brasília holds the title of capital, the Federal District (DF) encompasses a larger area that complements the city's tourist offerings. In this guide, we suggest exploring some intriguing points in Brasília and its surroundings:



Admire the architecture of the Three Powers Plaza


Start your Brasília adventure at the Three Powers Plaza, located in the southern part of the city, where the buildings housing the three branches of the Brazilian government stand.


The National Congress, home to the legislative branch, is an architectural marvel with two striking domes—one convex and the other concave. Take a guided tour inside to discover its chambers and murals.


The Planalto Palace, designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer for the executive branch, embodies modernity and simplicity with its straight and curved lines. The Supreme Federal Court, housing the judicial branch, has hosted nationally significant trials.


At the Three Powers Plaza, visit the Three Powers Cultural Center (CC3P), which includes other works by Niemeyer. Don't miss the Brasília Historical Museum (Museu da Cidade), the city's oldest museum, and the Pantheon of the Fatherland and Freedom Tancredo Neves, a monument honoring Brazil's independence heroes.


Also at the CC3P is the remarkable Lúcio Costa Space, where you can view a large-scale model of Brasília to understand the urbanist's design of its streets and spaces. All CC3P facilities are open Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm.


Explore the main points of the Monumental Axis The Monumental


Axis is the avenue that crosses the city from east to west, while the Road Axis runs from north to south. Both are part of the Pilot Plan, an urban plan shaped like an airplane designed by Lúcio Costa in 1957 to accommodate Brazil's capital.


Below is an itinerary to explore 5 important points along the Monumental Axis. You can walk it (5.5 km) or use public transportation, but be prepared for a lot of walking and wear comfortable clothing.


Itamaraty Palace Six minutes from the National Congress on the Monumental Axis stands the Itamaraty Palace, also known as the "Architectural Marvel." It serves as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is another masterpiece by Niemeyer.


You'll be captivated by the reflecting pool surrounding the palace. Inside, don't miss the majestic staircases and spacious, luminous rooms filled with artwork.


Esplanade of Ministries Ten minutes north along the axis, you'll find the Esplanade of Ministries, Brasília's political and administrative heart. Enjoy the wide view of the esplanade and the architectural design of governmental institutions.


Brasília Metropolitan Cathedral 


Close by, about 500 meters away, is the Brasília Metropolitan Cathedral, with its modernist design by Oscar Niemeyer. Admire its unique shape and the stained glass windows inside.


TV Tower Continuing along the Monumental


Axis, you'll reach the TV Tower, Brazil's fourth tallest tower. Its observation deck, 75 meters high and accommodating 150 people, offers panoramic views.


On the tower's first floor is the Gems Museum, featuring a collection of 3000 gemstones from Brazil. Below the tower are attractions like the crafts fair, held on Sundays, and the luminous fountain, a spectacle of water, light, and color with a 50-meter-high jet.




JK Memorial


Conclude your Monumental Axis tour at the JK Memorial. This museum-mausoleum, designed by Niemeyer, pays tribute to President Juscelino Kubitschek, the driving force behind Brasília's construction.


Enjoy Lake Paranoá Lake Paranoá, an artificial lake created during Brasília's construction by damming the Paranoá River, spans 48 km² with an 80 km circumference, resembling a small sea that refreshes the city.


Start by visiting Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge, which spans the lake, connecting the Pilot Plan with the residential sector of Lago Sur. This steel bridge with undulating forms is considered one of the world's most beautiful.


You can climb for a panoramic view of the city or enjoy a sunset. Down below, take a leisurely stroll, picnic in surrounding green areas, or find the bronze statue of President Kubitschek.


Relax and spend time at Pontão do Lago Sul, a tourist complex blending gastronomy, green areas, and water sports. Rent a boat to explore the lake or dine at its restaurants and cafes.


Additionally, Pontão do Lago Sul offers boat tours. It's recommended to navigate in the afternoon to see the sunset over the water. Among the water sports you can practice on Lake Paranoá are sailing, windsurfing, water skiing, canoeing, and kayaking.


One of the most attention-grabbing activities is diving at Vila Amaury, a city submerged after a flood. This allows you to see houses and objects from the city's early settlers.


Discover other interesting points Twenty-five minutes by bus from Three Powers Plaza is the Alvorada Palace, the official residence of the President of the Republic, another Niemeyer masterpiece. There are free guided tours every Wednesday, though the site is temporarily closed.


Another interesting place is Sarah Kubitschek City Park, located in the South Wing. With 420 hectares, it's ideal for sports, cycling, and barbecues. It features lakes and an amusement park called Nicôlandia.


If you're interested in experiencing Brazil's art intimately, visit Funarte Cultural Complex (National Arts Foundation), where you can attend dance, theater, and music performances. The place is a 7-minute walk from the TV Tower.


Connect with nature at Chapada dos Veadeiros Three hours by car from Brasília Airport is Chapada dos Veadeiros, a prominent plateau in Brazil's central highlands. It belongs to the state of Goiás, not Brasília or the DF. Here are some points to discover in this area of great natural value.




Explore Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park


Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park is part of Brazil's national parks system, established in 1961 around the same time as Brasília was built under President Juscelino Kubitschek's administration. In 2001, it was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its rich biodiversity and beautiful landscapes.


In the park, you'll find various rivers like the Preto River, which forms canyons and waterfalls up to 120 meters high. You can hike numerous trails that lead through canyons, waterfalls, springs, and old mines.


The park also plays a crucial role in preserving endemic and endangered species. Animal species include deer, wolves, jaguars, and birds. Plant species range from various orchids to regional plants like the red-stemmed palo de arco, copaiba, and babassu palm.


Check out the park's official page for incredible photos: ICMBio - Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park - Visitor's Guide


Discover the mysterious energy of Moon Valley Interestingly, Alto Paraíso municipality, in the heart of Chapada dos Veadeiros, is known for its esoteric reputation. This is possibly due to the energy generated by the area's metals and minerals, as well as its location on the 14th parallel, where alleged encounters with beings from other planets have been reported.


If you're intrigued by these mysteries, don't miss Moon Valley (Vale da Lua). This place resembles a lunar landscape, with ancient rocks eroded by the San Miguel River. The result is a series of interconnected craters, pools, and wells that seem otherworldly.


Bathe in waterfalls While it's impossible to list all the countless waterfalls in Chapada dos Veadeiros, we recommend visiting Almécegas Falls, with its 50-meter height and natural pools, and the less crowded Couros Falls, offering several bathing spots and countless postcard-worthy landscapes.


Enjoy local cuisine In addition to Chapada dos Veadeiros' natural beauty, the destination boasts a culturally rich cuisine blending indigenous, European, and African flavors.


Explore the region's traditions and customs through its gastronomy. Sample typical dishes made with local ingredients like rice, beans, cassava, and souari nuts.


Try carne-de-sol, sun-dried and cured meat, feijão tropeiro, a stew of meat with beans and farofa, or arroz com pequi, rice prepared with a yellow regional fruit. For a sweet treat, taste paçoca, a candy made from ground peanuts.


To taste these delights, head to the town of São Jorge, just 1 kilometer from the park, where you'll find various local restaurants.


Tangol Tours offers various excursions to Chapada Veadeiros, taking you to several mentioned points among others. All tours include transportation and accommodation so you can relax and enjoy to the fullest.


Useful information: Climate: Brasília has a humid tropical climate, with hot and rainy summers and dry, mild winters. Getting there: Brasília has an international airport (BSB) with connections to major cities in Brazil and worldwide. Tips: • The best time to visit Brasília is between April and September when the weather is drier and pleasant. • The city has a good public transportation network, including buses, metro, and taxis. • It's recommended to learn some basic Portuguese phrases before traveling.


Brasília is a city that will surprise you with its beauty, history, and vibrant culture. It's an ideal destination for those seeking a unique and authentic experience in the heart of Brazil.


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