Teatro El Círculo, a gem to visit in Rosario, Argentina

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  Tangol 28/07/2018

El Círculo is one of the main opera houses in the city of Rosario, Argentina. It stands out for the acoustic condition of its main room. Since its opening it was the scene of the most important lyrical companies in the world, reaching an opera per day.  It is a theater founded in 1904, which stands out for its architecture and history.  

Caruso sang in The Circle Theatre, and in 2004 he was awarded the Spanish Language Congress. In the basement there is a museum of sculptures. It is a unique place that travelers should know. The Circulo Theater is a jewel of the history of the city! You can not take advantage of enjoying a work, or come to visit the museum of sacred art that stands out! Of note is its stage curtain, by the Giuseppe Carmignani who reproduced the painting by Giovanni Battista Borghes at the Regio Theater in Parma in 1824. It represents the victory of wisdom and disposes Olympian gods in ideal space. It is an impressive theater, where all the arts and traditional of the city passed. It is the scope of the lyric and great directors and orchestras that visit Rosario. 

In 1888 the Sociedad Anónima Teatro La Opera decided to build a great lyric theater through a preliminary project contest. The work is awarded to the architects Cremona and Contri. The building starts but, due to economic problems, it is interrupted when the construction was on the first floor. Abandoned. Without precise destination. Refuge of the needy. From its labyrinths and pits, mysterious stories would be born, the city knew it as the Cave of the Thieves.

In 1889 the businessman Emilio O. Schiffner, with clear vision and commercial objectives, buys the Society and concludes the works by hiring German engineer George Goldammer, specialist in acoustics, who rectifies the original plans. The execution of the work is carried out by the construction company Bianchi, Vila y Cía. Artists of the stature of Luis Levoni and Beloti worked in the interior and exterior plasterwork, as well as in the frescoes of the stage mouth.


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