Puritama Hot Springs, Atacama, Chile

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  Tangol 24/04/2018

Termas Baños de Puritama, these hot springs are located 28 km north of San Pedro de Atacama and 3,500 MASL in the Republic of Chile at the bottom of a canyon wherehot water flows to 33 ° c (Celsius degree). 

Probable meaning of Puritama in Kunza language is Puri: Water; Tama: Hot. This site has been used for medicinal purposes by the people of Atacama since historical times.Everything in the area smells purity and spiritual cleanliness. Maybe that's why the locals decided to give it that name. 

These hot springs have been used for hundreds of years, it was formerly visited by Inca aborigines, It is located on the way to Geysers del Tatio, in an abrupt ravine, it has vegetation and a pool that measures approximately diameter of 8 meters and that has been formed by the influx of internal temperate waters that emerge around 33 ° C. Thermal spring has minerals that make possible therapeutic bath for those who enjoy warm water and landscape beauty.  Puritama Hot Springs have an important concentration of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, boron, all revitalizing elements for the body and mind.  Its sulfated sodium waters are recommended for rheumatism, arthritis, stress, physical exhaustion and other ailments.

Puritama Hot Springs is an incredible and beautiful place to rest, with a basic infrastructure composed of dressing rooms, bathrooms and wooden walkways, combined with vegetation that hangs over edges.  For years, the hot springs were for exclusive use of inhabitants of Atacama. Currently part of hot springs are owned by the Hotel Explora, as a result, together with the Council of Atacama People are responsible for maintenance of the place. What once was only an oasis in the middle of desert, today is a place more attractive for tourism with good level facilities.

Today Puritama Hot springs look modern, natural and harmonious.


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5 Excellent
4 Very good
3 Regular
2 Bad
1 Horrible


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