Nature and relaxation in Villa de Merlo

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  Tangol 06/07/2016

Hidden in San Luis Province lies the perfect combination of climate, vegetation, and scenery. A place to relax, learn, and venture into the history of the country.

Little can be said about its first inhabitants—the Comechingon Indians. They knew about the magic of these sierras. It cannot be assured either that, back in 1797, when the place was founded and named after the Rio de la Plata Viceroy—Don Pedro de Melo—, Spanish conquerors knew about the almost unique qualities of these lands.

The truth is that Villa de Merlo, in San Luis Province, is one the world’s three microclimates, together with Canarias Islands and some areas of California coast.A barrier to the wet air currents that come from the Atlantic Ocean, long-standing rocks, and the oxygen release produced as a result of granite decomposition are the fundamentals of the warm and comforting environment that this place features all year long, which turn it into a natural treasure.

Pepper trees, tabaquillos, hackberries, and aromatic herbs are part of its luxuriant vegetation because the temperature ranges between 18° and 33°C in summer, and the average temperature is 17 degrees in winter.

Apart from the imposing landscape, that seduces any tourist with a painter’s soul, Villa de Merlo offers a great variety of circuits for travelers.

In the last years, the province government has promoted a kind of tourism known as ecotourism that combines sportive activities with bird watching, outdoors hikes, horseback riding and biking trips to venture into the depth of the abundant nature of the sierras.

Another excellent alternative to know something different, especially for the most adventurous, is the Cerro Áspero colony. Over forty years ago, there used to be a mining company here that extracted wolframite—an ore that blends iron and manganese. Today only ruins lie here. Ideal for those who enjoy the mystery of tunnels, galleries, and factories of one of the oldest trades in America.


A well-known mine is the one at Los Cóndores—located only 50 kilometers from Villa de Merlo—where you can go down at different depth levels and find tungsten, an ore used to harden steel.

A must for those who love history is to visit the Bajo Véliz Paleontological Deposit, one of the main relics, that is over 286 million years old. Another must is Sierra de las Quijadas National Park, a 150,000-hectare area which features red geological formations that penetrate into the eyes of the most distracted viewers.

But if it is too hot, it is better to leave these activities for more pleasant days and dive into the waters of the Papagayos Stream, located 40 km from Villa de Merlo. Huge waterfalls that come down from rock formations and abundant vegetation are part of a worth-considering option.

However, leaving Merlo without trying some of its regional products is not a good sign. Everyone who calls himself a born explorer must try the cheeses of Los Nadis, the dairy products without additives or preservatives, the alfajores of Doña Chocolata, and why not, the olives of Establecimiento Merlín.

Art lovers should visit the Paseo de los Artesanos (Artisans Fair) or La Paloma ExpoFeria where they can buy different items from knits to openwork coins.

Tangol Travel Agency suggests visiting the sierras and offers the best price-quality combination. Ask about special packages.


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